Reflection, A Short Poem

Clara Béla
Jan 4, 2021

From the minute I was born,

to the minute that I die;

I will always persevere.

I was born at dawn,

before the stars had gone.

A heart filled with gold

and a mind full of goals.

I could hear all these lucid sounds

that I could not hear before.

These sounds are as broad

as the blue ocean’s awe.

I travel near and far,

to places all around.

I only have one chance

so I stride with no second glance.

Photo by Jakob Owens on Unsplash

These little memories,

which are caught in-between,

are more meaningful in lieu

of the many which you drew.

Each day and each night,

every hour that I breathe;

I am humbled by the thought

of the things that I have caught.

